3 Free, Self-Guided Walking Tours in Saarland

history • 2 hours 30 minutes

Walking through time

Blieskastel, Saarland

This beautiful route will guide through Blieskastel’s past and its stunning buildings, starting from the 17th century until today… View tour →

history • 5 hours

Heart of Saarbrücken - a walking tour

Saarbrücken, Saarland

Visit some of the main central attractions of the capital of Saarland, Saarbrücken… View tour →

food • 2 hours 5 minutes

Picnic and Beautiful Walk in Saarlouis

Saarlouis, Saarland

It is the perfect tour to enjoy history and good food! While strolling through Saarlouis you experience the history and great food for the stomach… View tour →